Birds of Ibera

The biodiversity of birds in particular in this area is remarkable, and it is easy to see relatively rare species up close.  In general humans are not perceived as threats by the species here, in particular by the resident birds.

At the last count it was estimated that there are 328 different species of bird that either live here or migrate through, and that is not counting sub-species and morphs.  We have mostly good quality photos of 248  (and increasing) of these birds in our gallery.  Some of the photos of the rarer birds are of a lesser quality but I have included them if the bird is recognisable rather than leave them out.   There are at least 8 endangered bird species in the Esteros del Ibera and I have seen and photographed them all since April 2010.

These include the (VU) Ochre-breasted Pipit which appeared at the reserve after the devastating drought of 2012, and the endangered Black & white Monjita which we saw in the south of the reserve in 2017. I have done my best to identify the following birds but errors can be made and I would be grateful if you would inform me on the Contact page if you disagree with any of my identifications. 

All of the photos below were taken by Miranda Collett wth the exception of one or two that are credited in the text. You are welcome to use my photographs provided you credit them to the Collett-Trust. American Pygmy Kingfisher  A very rare Argentine bird seen for the first time at Reserva Don Luis in July 2020

photo taken by Sabina de Lucca from COA de la Cruz

Chloroceryle amazona
