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The reserve is a beautiful place to live and work, and we count ourselves very lucky that we’re able enjoy every minute of both. Every day is crammed with challenges, but the reward that lies in seeing these animals prosper more than pays for every blister and sore back. These snippets give you an idea of what it’s like to be here.

Because we have no light pollution, this is what we see at night. It is potentiallhy one of the best places in the world to see the Milky Way

Night Sky at Reserva Don Luis

Grant to study Endangered Bird

Sporophila iberaense
We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a grant to study this Endangered bird at our reserve. Than you to Mohamed bin Zayed Conservation Fund for having confidence in us. This small Seedeater breeds at our reserve and has a small range.

Crab-eating Racoon babies emerge

After around 2 months of this Crab-eating Racoon nesting under the floorboards of our Siestera, finally the 2 kits came out last night.

Molossus fluminensis in bat box

We were delighted to find 2 Molossus fluminensis in one of our bat boxes. This is a large bat, up to 50g in weight, and it was a surprise to find it in a bat box.

Aguara Pope Procyon cancrivorus

Crab-eating Racoon in Siestera

This extremely shy mammal has decided to have her babies in our ‘Siestera’, a room we use for dining etc. The floor needs repairing in places, and she has managed to climb through a hole and make her nest under the floorboards. We now have several images on camera trap and are waiting for the babies to come out.

Purple Gallinule seen at Reserve

This is quite a rare bird at the reserve. We see it about once every 5 years partly because it is very shy and keeps hidden. I was lucky enough to spend a few minutes watching this juvenile bird a few days ago. Argentine name is Pollona Azul.


Maned Wolf captured on Camera Trap

Friday, March 29, 2024

We now have several images of the Maned Wolf at our reserve on various camera traps, though all in the south. It is classed as ‘Near Threatened’ in the IUCN redlist, but is difficult to see due to its nocturnal habits. We believe that there are more than one of these Canids at the reserve


Sustainability Certificate for Wild Wetlands

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Our Wild Wetlands resort has gained a certificate from the Ministry of Tourism in Argentina, for being sustainable.

Some of our eco incentives include power that is totally solar and windmill, our own organic vegetable garden, Biodigester waste disposal system, no single use plastics, reforestation, composting, re-cycling, amongst others.


Heavy rains for Reserve

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

During the past couple of months, the rains have been heavy and persistent. We are all happy that we are very much a wetland again, not least because this will help prevent the neighbours cattle from getting in to our land. As a result, we are unable to even start the 2km of fence repair in the north, although we have managed to buy the posts and wire. Our access road is often impassable, so our team go out after heavy rains with the tractor, and carry large trunks of dead trees to cover the gaping holes in the road.


Macaws project at Reserve Don Luis

Sunday, November 26, 2023

The Rewilding project for the Green-winged Macaw is now based at Reserva Don Luis. In the winter, a large aviary was installed in our woodland, Monte Nacurutu. The 5 Macaws were placed inside it for a period of quarantine, then released into our reserve. They have supplementary feeds so are not yet completely independent, and as a result can be seen around the woodland at feeding times. The Macaws are not new to our reserve, as we have a lot of native fruit, but we are happy to see them based with us. They were previously in the National Park, Cambyreta, but due to various pressures eg fires, drought and hunters, the team, led by Mane Massat, decided to move the project to our reserve. Photo by Sebastian Navajas