Latest News

The reserve is a beautiful place to live and work, and we count ourselves very lucky that we’re able enjoy every minute of both. Every day is crammed with challenges, but the reward that lies in seeing these animals prosper more than pays for every blister and sore back. These snippets give you an idea of what it’s like to be here.


Maned Wolf captured on Camera Trap

Friday, March 29, 2024

We now have several images of the Maned Wolf at our reserve on various camera traps, though all in the south. It is classed as ‘Near Threatened’ in the IUCN redlist, but is difficult to see due to its nocturnal habits. We believe that there are more than one of these Canids at the reserve


Sustainability Certificate for Wild Wetlands

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Our Wild Wetlands resort has gained a certificate from the Ministry of Tourism in Argentina, for being sustainable.

Some of our eco incentives include power that is totally solar and windmill, our own organic vegetable garden, Biodigester waste disposal system, no single use plastics, reforestation, composting, re-cycling, amongst others.


Heavy rains for Reserve

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

During the past couple of months, the rains have been heavy and persistent. We are all happy that we are very much a wetland again, not least because this will help prevent the neighbours cattle from getting in to our land. As a result, we are unable to even start the 2km of fence repair in the north, although we have managed to buy the posts and wire. Our access road is often impassable, so our team go out after heavy rains with the tractor, and carry large trunks of dead trees to cover the gaping holes in the road.


Macaws project at Reserve Don Luis

Sunday, November 26, 2023

The Rewilding project for the Green-winged Macaw is now based at Reserva Don Luis. In the winter, a large aviary was installed in our woodland, Monte Nacurutu. The 5 Macaws were placed inside it for a period of quarantine, then released into our reserve. They have supplementary feeds so are not yet completely independent, and as a result can be seen around the woodland at feeding times. The Macaws are not new to our reserve, as we have a lot of native fruit, but we are happy to see them based with us. They were previously in the National Park, Cambyreta, but due to various pressures eg fires, drought and hunters, the team, led by Mane Massat, decided to move the project to our reserve. Photo by Sebastian Navajas


Another New Bat Species for Team

Thursday, October 12, 2023

We managed to capture this very rare bat, that is only present in Misiones and Yuyuy, at Parque Provincial Mocona in Misiones. Tonatia bidens is a member of the family Phyllostomidae, (sub family Phyllostominae). It has only been captured once before in this century.

It is like a miniature Chrotopterus auritus and whilst not totally carniverous, it consumes insects, occasionally fruit and probably bird eggs and chicks. Very little is known about this species.


Reserva Don Luis a wetland once again

Friday, September 29, 2023

Great to see our lovely reserve is once again a wetland. We have had around 450mm of rain during the past month and what a difference it has made. May it continue!


Barn Owls using firewood box

Friday, September 29, 2023
We discovered these 2 beautiful recently fledged Barn Owl chicks using a box of firewood placed outside our first build Lodge – Tito alba.

Up until recently they have been using the beautiful owl box that was designed and built by Cepi Oporto, one of our trustees.


Invading Cattle

Saturday, June 3, 2023
For the past 4 months we have had large invasions of our neighbours cows in our pristine land, tampling down our native species’ habitat and coming into our garden.

Evidence of our neighbour’s cattle invading our reserve. At times we have more than 100 cattle from various neighbours.


Neighbour’s Cows Invade Reserve

Saturday, June 3, 2023
We have had to take expensive emergency measures and have invested in 1.5km of electric fencing which is proving successful at keeping the cattle out of the garden and around the houses at least. In the north we are committed to replacing 2km of destroyed fencing (partly by the wildfires last year). This is all costing us a lot of money and we are having to compromise on various projects to channel our funding toward just keeping our neighbour’s cattle out.


NEW Bat species for Reserva Don Luis

Wednesday, April 5, 2023
We were delighted to capture this unusual looking, rare bat in one of our nets at the reserve on 30/03/2023. This is the first time we have seen this bat here and believe that it is the first ever captured in Esteros del Ibera.

Pygoderma bilabiatum is usually only found in Misiones, Salta & Jujuy although it has been found in Corrientes, near the border with Misiones.This is quite a large extension of its range. The bat was released unharmed after weighing & measuring.