
Scarlet-headed Blackbird

Amblyramphus holosericeus

Meet the author
Miranda Collett
Miranda Collett

Former Airline Captain of B747, Miranda Collett, switched career in 2010 to become a wildlife conservationist, purchasing a former cattle ranch in NE Argentina.

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These beautiful birds are perfectly adapted to the Ibera Marshlands and they are common at Reserva Don Luis. They are members of the Icteridae family.

They can be found amongst the reeds close to water. They are very vocal and can often be heard before they are seen.

Measuring around 22cm, they are predominantly black with a large cowl of flame red. The top of their thighs are also flame red. The large bill is black and very sharply pointed. Juveniles start off black then reddish patches start appearing randomly in the feathers.

We have many of these spectacular birds in and around our reserve.

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