
Spectacled Caiman

Caiman yacare

Meet the author
Miranda Collett
Miranda Collett

Former Airline Captain of B747, Miranda Collett, switched career in 2010 to become a wildlife conservationist, purchasing a former cattle ranch in NE Argentina.

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We have literally hundreds of these Spectacled Caiman at the reserve especially in the wet areas in the south.  They suffered a bit during the drought in 2012 though and some of them may have been caught out in the fire of June 2012.  Now we have returned to be a wetland they will be much happier with more fish in the ponds and lagunas to eat.

They can grow to a length of about 2m and can weigh 50kg. Like all reptiles, they thermoregulate and need the heat of the sun to enable them to move.

They are unusual for reptiles in that the female rears its offspring who stay with the mother for several months.  They can be quite protective toward their young and this is the only time when they may show some agression.

Like the Capybara, this reptile has its eyes, ears and nostrils high on the head which enables it to swim almost completely submerged so they are difficult to spot when in the water.  When it is warm they like to bask in the sun on the banks of the pond or stream and can move quite rapidly at times.  When it is cold or hot they stay in the water.

yacare negro 2-

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