Hydropsalis brasiliana
This bird is quite rare around Reserva Don Luis, although it has been seen once or twice. As it is only seen at night, it is less easy to photograph and less encountered.
It is part of the family Caprimulgidae and is a migrant that nests in Argentina during the spring/summer then flies north in the autumn.
Total length of this bird is around 50cm but two thirds is due to the very long forked tail. They have typical Nightjar markings of brown, rufus and white and large eyes that reflect red. Bill, legs and feet are short.
Females have a shorter tail.
This nocturnal bird rests in the undergrowth during the day and is very well camoflaged and very difficult to spot. At dusk you can sometimes hear them callling and their large red eyes can be seen by torchlight or car headlights.