The Brasilian Brown Bat is only known in the provinces of Chaco and Corrientes and is considered rare in Argentina.  It has a large range in northern South America and Central America but can be locally uncommon.

We captured this species in August 2017 in a wooded part of Reserva Don Luis.  Immediately in the net it appeared larger than its close cousin, Eptesicus furinalis which is common in the area, otherwise morphologically it is similar.  The forearm measured 41.7mm which is outside of the range of Eptesicus furinalis.

We captured another individual in March 2019 which had a forearm of 43 mm so it appears that although rare, we have this species at Reserva Don Luis.

Since then we encountered a roost at San Pedro in Misiones and were able to take morphometrics of several of this species.

It is a medium sized bat with long brown fur, swollen area around nostrils, bare around the eyes and with a long curved tragus.  It is insectivorous.