
Diaemus youngii

White-winged Vampire Bat

Meet the author
Miranda Collett
Miranda Collett

Former Airline Captain of B747, Miranda Collett, switched career in 2010 to become a wildlife conservationist, purchasing a former cattle ranch in NE Argentina.

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We captured this beautiful, calm bat in our mist nets during Dec 2022 in the Parque Provincial Urugua-i. This is the second Vampire bat, after Desmodus rotundus, in Argentina and is qute rare. The colour is an almost unicolour caramel and the distinguishing features are that it has 2 pads on its thumb instead of 3 in the Common Vampire Bat. It also has white wing-tips and edges, which are very evident when the wing is spread.

The bat weighed 42g with a forearm length of 52.7mm.

This species tends to prey on birds rather than large mammals and takes a very small amount of blood from, for example, a chicken, with the use of their anti-coagulant saliva.

Rabies is rare in this species. The conservation status is unknown. They roost in caves and tree hollows


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