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Cinnamon Teal

Anas cyanoptera

Meet the author
Miranda Collett
Miranda Collett

Former Airline Captain of B747, Miranda Collett, switched career in 2010 to become a wildlife conservationist, purchasing a former cattle ranch in NE Argentina.

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The Cinnamon Teal is an attractive medium sized dabbling duck of some 38cm.  It is part of the family Anatidae and is the genus Anas, as are most of the ducks in Argentina.

It is sound throughout most of Argentina with the excepton of the Andes and we occasionally see it in the Ibera Marshes although it is not common.

The male is reddish/cinnamon all over with darker wings.  The bill is dark grey and the iris is red.

The female is quite different and resembles the female Blue-winged Teal.  The body is speckled brown and beige, the head is pale brown and the eyes have a noticeable pale eye-ring.  The eyes are not red like the males.

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