Greater Round-eared Bat
We were very fortunate to come across this very rare bat in one of our nets at Mocona, Misiones in October 2023. Tonatia bidens has only been found in Misiones and Jujuy in Argentina. The species has only been recorded once in this century before our discovery.
It is from the family Phyllostomidae (sub family Phyllostominae).
Tonatia bidens is like a miniature Chrotopterus auritus, about half the weight with a forearm measurement of slightly more than half its larger cousin. It has similar large rounded ears, a similar uropatagium with the tail extruding on dorsal side about half way. The muzzle is quite long and the teeth look carnivorous. The feet have long strong claws, and the wings are broad and strong.
Roosts are found in cavities in trees and occasionally in abandoned buildings. Its diet is insectivore/carnivore with occasional consumption of fruit.