Little Yellow-shouldered Bat
The Little Yellow-shouldered Bat is part of the family Phyllostomidae (leaf nosed bats). It exists in the Ibera marshes and we have caught this species in our nets away from the houses. It is a frugivore and fruit of the Solanum plays a large part in its diet.
This bat below was caught in Calilegua National park, Jujuy, and is a well marked male.
This species is abundant in Central and South America and feeds on fruit especially solanaceae.
It is named after the yellow shoulder patches on the adult males which are glands used in the reproductive phase to attract the female.
This is a medium sized bat of around 25g with a spear like nose-leaf and a rounded head. The fur is soft and velvety and can be of various colours but the base of the fur is usually pale. Our bat was predominantly yellow but the female was a grey colour.