Sporophila hypochroma
We occasionally see the Rufous-rumped seedeater at our reserve. This photo was taken in November 2016 when a juvenile was also seen. The previous time was in March 2014 in the south accompanied by a Chestnut Seedeater. They are considered Near Threatened in the IUCN redlist due to a small range, habitat loss and exploitation for the wild cage trade.
It has been moved from the family Emberizidae to that of Thraupidae.
This seedeater is similar to the others in the area, is only about 9cm in length and it feeds on grass seeds in particular in marshy aeas or near water. Its favourite grass seems to be Paspalum.
The ventral side and rump are rufus red. It has a pale grey crown which extends down to its upper back. Wings are grey/brown with several bars and the tail which is slightly swallow tailed is plumbeous.
The female is similar to other Sporophila females, it appears to be only the male that defines these seedeating species.