Thursday, April 18, 2019
Rosita is bringing her new baby into the garden at Reserva Don Luis quite often. This is always a joy to see. Here he is around 5 weeks old and is already nibbling grass. He was born on 14 Feb, hence the name Valentin.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Rosita is bringing her new baby into the garden at Reserva Don Luis quite often. This is always a joy to see. Here he is around 5 weeks old and is already nibbling grass. He was born on 14 Feb, hence the name Valentin.
Former Airline Captain of B747, Miranda Collett, switched career in 2010 to become a wildlife conservationist, purchasing a former cattle ranch in NE Argentina.
Jersey Charity Number: 395
Reserva Natural Don Luis Cambyreta Esteros del Ibera Ituzaingo 3302 Corrientes.
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