Velvety Free-tailed Bat
Molossus molossus is a reasonably common species in the northeast of Argentina and covers several provinces.
As he name inplies, it’s tail extends beyond the uropatagium, it has soft velvety fur and is a member of the family Molossidae. It’s snout has a noticeable ridge and it has ears that meet in the middle. The anti tragus is large and slightly heart shaped. The wings are long and narrow but strong. It closely resembles its larger cousin Molossus rufus but is smaller with a typical weight of 15g and a forearm smaller than 44mm.
Fur colour is usually dark brown with a very pale base, although in the photo the fur is greyer than normal. It has 26 teeth and the canines are in a distinctive W pattern and short calcars that do not reach the tail.