Latest News

The reserve is a beautiful place to live and work, and we count ourselves very lucky that we’re able enjoy every minute of both. Every day is crammed with challenges, but the reward that lies in seeing these animals prosper more than pays for every blister and sore back. These snippets give you an idea of what it’s like to be here.


Trust buys land in Misiones

Tuesday, December 20, 2022
We have just completed the purchase of 100 hectares of prime native woodland near San Pedro in Misiones.We intend to keep the land as it is and only form a path down to the stream at the southern end of the land, where we may build a platform for birding. We also plan to do bat research in due course.


Photo of the stream at new land in Misiones

Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Here is another photo of our new conservatiion land near San Pedro in Misiones. The highest part of the land is 530m asl.

This is the stream at the southern end of the lot.


New bat species for bat team

Monday, December 19, 2022

We discovered this beautiful Diaemus youngii in the north of Misiones province during the past few days. Its common name is White-winged Vampire bat and it is rare.

It looks similar to the ubiquitous Common Vampire Bat, Desmodus rotundus, but has suble differerences, including white wing tips and edging.


Lots of birds at Reserve

Friday, October 14, 2022

We are delighted to find Reserva Don Luis teeming with birds, some of which we have not seen before or not for many years. In spite of the awful fires in February, the birds are definitely back. This is Aguilucho Pampa or Black-collared Hawk which we are seeing in the south of the reserve and which is probably breeding.


Great Global Birding weekend

Friday, October 14, 2022

We took part in the Global birding weekend bird count for EBird on Saturday 8 Oct. This is a worldwide count of species taking place over a 24 hour period. Our team at Reserva Don Luis managed to count 152 different species and we were top team in our province of Corrientes, 3rd best count in Argentina. Congratulations to all the team.


Deepening of Laguna

Saturday, January 8, 2022

We are in our second year of severe drought, which is very sad for our native wildlife, survival of the fish, our Caymans. We had to take a drastic decision to bring in a mechanical digger to deepen our laguna to enable our wildlife to survive. Last year we sunk another borehole, deeper than the original one, and from this will have a good supply of water with which to fill this currently empty space.

It may look barren at the moment, but it is a lifeline for our wildlife and will start to look good again within a year.


Another new bat species for team

Saturday, January 8, 2022

As our research continues year after year, obviously it is more difficult to come across new species. We were therefore delighted to capture this brilliant red Myotis ruber during a research trip to Misiones. This Myotis is larger than the other occurring Myotis in Argentina. It weighed 10 grams and had a forearm length of 41.3mm. It was released unharmed, as usual, and we recorded its echolocation on release.


Wild Wetlands resort

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Here is a drone shot taken just before Christmas 2021 showing Wild Wetlands Lodges.


2 Lodges at Wild Wetlands

Thursday, June 17, 2021

We have completed both Lodges at our Wild Wetlands resort in the very biodiverse Esteros del Ibera, Argentina. They are beautifully appointed, with thatched gallerias, totally powered by a brand new solar system and ideal for birdwatchers and naturalists. When Argentina is finally out of lockdown, we hope to welcome visitors from Europe and worldwide.


New Lodge for naturalists

Saturday, December 5, 2020

We have completed our first Lodge at Reserva Don Luis. This has been specially designed for naturalists who wish to go to sleep and wake up amongst nature without any light pollution, noise polllution or fossil fuels. Our lodge is powered by a state of the art solar system and innovative drainage system. The spacious lodge can sleep up to 3 people in perfect comfort and is an ideal base for bird watching with 3 different habitats in close proximity. We are now starting our second lodge and hope to be operational in March 2021.